Your data is in safe hands with us! We have an obligation to protect your data and take this very seriously. Please take some time to read this information and form an understanding of why we collect your data and in which form we process it.
On registering for our newsletter and/or blog, you provided your first name and surname as well as your email address and gave your consent to our processing of this personal data in order to send you newsletters and notifications about new blog contributions on products and services provided by CPI Europe.
If you registered for our newsletter during the retail investor roadshow and provided us with your personal data, specifically form of address, name, title, email address and postal address, as well as stating whether you wish to receive notifications and which ones, you also consented to the processing of the data provided in order to send press releases, reports, blog contribu-tions and videos.
If you registered for our newsletter as a journalist, you gave consent to the processing of your personal data, specifically first name and surname, email address, editorial office, address of the editorial office and your business mobile telephone number, in order to send corporate news, ad hoc releases and invitations to events.
In the event that you registered for our newsletter as an investor, you gave consent to the pro-cessing of your personal data, specifically first name and surname, email address, company, po-sition, business address, business mobile telephone number and information about your last meeting with CPI Europe representatives, in order to send corporate news, ad hoc releases and invitations to events.
You may withdraw the aforementioned consent at any time without specifying any reason using an online form that can be found at or in writing to
CPI Europe AG
Data Protection Coordinator
Wienerbergstraße 9
1100 Vienna, Austria
or by using the link contained in all newsletters and notifications.
Your data are stored in our customer data bank. This data bank is operated by Oracle Austria GmbH (Oracle) as processor. Oracle, as processor, processes your data solely on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions. Oracle is certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield as a secure company in terms of data protection law, and in fulfilling its contract also employs sub-proces-sors in countries outside of the European Union. We have contractually obliged Oracle and the sub-processors to ensure that your data is adequately protected in compliance with EU data protection regulations.
Primeone business solutions GmbH (primeone) has access to the data collected for the purpose of the services and maintenance it provides as processor. Please note that your personal data remain stored with us and that there is no physical transfer of data.
Furthermore, Goldbach Interactive Austria GmbH ("Goldbach") has access to the data collected for the purpose of ongoing support of our websites as a processor. We have contractually obliged Goldbach to ensure adequate protection of your data.
We will only store your data for as long as it is necessary for those purposes for which we col-lected your data, or until you withdraw your consent. For the purposes of customer service and marketing (information about our services, competitions, satisfaction surveys, campaigns to win back customers, etc.) within the scope of fulfilment of contracts which we have entered into with you, your data will be stored for the duration of the business relationship and principally for a further three years following the end of the business relationship. In this respect it should, however, also be noted that for fiscal reasons contracts and other documents relating to our contractual relationship must in principle be stored for a period of seven years (§ 132 Austrian Federal Fiscal Code). In certain instances, such as in the case of pending regulatory or legal pro-ceedings, it is necessary to store data for longer.
You also have the right to request information about which of your data is processed by us (for details see Article 15 GDPR), to request that your data be corrected or deleted (for details see Article 16 GDPR), to restrict the processing of your data (for details see Article 18 GDPR), to object to the processing of the data (for details see Article 21 GDPR) and to receive your data for transmission to another data processor (for details see Article 20 GDPR).
In the event that, contrary to expectations and despite our obligation to process your data in a lawful manner, there is a breach of your right to lawful processing of your data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Austrian Data Protection Authority ( and with other competent data protection authorities.
We hope that this information has clearly explained in which form and for what purposes we process your data. Should you still have questions about the processing of your data, please use the online form which can be found at to contact the CPI Europe Data Protection Coordinator.
CPI Europe AG
Wienerbergstraße 9, 1100 Vienna
FN 114425y, HG Vienna
UID: ATU 37681807
DVR 0607274
Competent Supervisory Authority:
Financial Market Authority, Otto-Wagner-Platz 5, 1090 Vienna,
Book a visit now to learn more.