Summer Health Week

Health is the most important thing we have.
To enjoy sunny summer holidays, it is important to use body and face creams with SPF, but you also must think about prevention from various skin diseases.
During summer we usually also do more sports, we go hiking and our feet and spine deserve extra attention.
That is why myhive Vajnorská organized myhive Summer Health Week.
From 6th of July until 9th of July our community could get birthmarks checked and get a diagnostics of feet by a physiotherapist for free. 
Additionally we organized Blood donation in coopearation with National Trafusion Service SR.
Blood is very rare and during corona crisis we were able to see a decrease in donations, that is why decided to step in and help.
Our tenants could register and by donating blood help the people that need this precious liquid.
The strictest hygienic measures were observed during blood collection.