Battle of 80s vs 90s
On the 25th of April myhive Polus Towers traveled back in time during our 200 minutes networking event Throwback Thursday.
It was a colorful battle between electric 80s and crazy 90s. Our community had the chance to sing karaoke. We listened to interesting performances of Queen, Spice Girls, Backstreet boys, George Michael and others. Best performances were awarded with a tamagotchi, because nothing evokes 90s more, than a custody of a digital creature.
Of course if you are not a performer, we also offered friendship bracelets workshops, temporary tattoos station. Gamers could remember the most awesome games such as Pacman, Super Mario Bros., Bomberman...
Thanks to the amazing weather, the event was not only in the lobby of Polus Tower 2 but also moved into the outdoor area. The evening was of course also accompanied with retro food classics from the Slovak 80s.
We always have a small twist on our networking events and this time, our tenants had the possibility to showcase their retro wardrobe. You can have a look at the creations in the gallery below.