Dear myhive community,
TIME: 20 May 2021, World Bee Day
The goal of the campaign: myhive seeks to raise awareness about steady decline of bees' population with flower planting. myhive, as committed friend of bees launches the campaign on the World Bee Day. Together with the myhive community we're running the campaign until the end of June. Each participant get flower seeds and a #savethebees sticker.
Register in the myhive app for the event! Please take photos about the planting and the flowers and send it to myhive Hungary Facebook channel in private message. It's important that the myhive sticker should be seen on the photo. We announce 5 winners and raffle valuable awards among them.
Announcement of results: 30 June 2021
In the past years, millions of Bees have been dissapearing from our Planet inexplicably. If the steady decline doesn't change it will have serious effect on the wildlife and humans as well, as one third of our food depends on the pollination of the bees.
Your community manager,
Jenő Nizák