myhive Mokotów

Thriving community in the very heart of business district

Join the myhive community!

At myhive Mokotów you will be welcomed into the ever-expanding 5,000-people community, where you can benefit from free-of-charge attractions, dedicated to your needs and interests.

We offer tailor-made networking events, the Expert Talk series, as well as numerous sports activities. The heart of our tenants was taken by the intimate concerts - myhive music club straight from the 38th floor of myhive Warsaw Spire. The current pandemic situation has verified our strategy and approach in this regard. Even so, we are not slowing down. You can find the events calendar in the myhive app.

Why are we doing this? The organized myhive events are a tool aimed at developing a network of contacts, both on a social and business basis, among people working in buildings covered by this brand.

Do you have a bright idea that you would like to contribute to the myhive community? Feel free to contact myhive Community Manager, who interacts with our tenants and coordinates events for myhive community.

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Katarzyna Ciszkowska

Recent myhive events
