Dear myhive Community,
We would like to thank your regular participation in Hungarian Red Cross' blood donation which is hosted by our myhive offices since many years.
It is almost unbelievable, but it has been already more than 10 years, since the first blood donation took place in July, 2008 in myhive Átrium Park. Since than we had over 1600 applicants and almost 1400 participants who could donate blood after the medical check. Considering that 4.5 dl blood was donated each time, the myhive community’s contribution to the hospitals’ blood supply is significant.
We will continue our cooperation with the Hungarian Red Cross in the future, hence the blood donations remain regular in our office buildings. You can be informed about the latest dates of the donation via posters in the lobbies, on the website and through the myhive application.
Let’s continue to help the work of the Hungarian Red Cross!
Your Community Manager,
Jenő Nizák