Dear myhive Community,

Christmas is getting closer and this time around the year it's especially important to help others. Last year the myhive community contributed greatly to the cause of making the Christmas of the kids who are in need happier. Bring your shoe box filled with gifts to one of the myhive receptions from 1-9th of December during opening hours and help to put a smile on the kids face!

How can I prepare a gift?

Look for an empty, good conditioned shoe box! Decide on how old girl or boy would you like to surprise and fill the box.

What should I put in the box?

You can put everything in the box which could make a kid happy. The limits are only your fantasy and the size of the shoe box.

What’s allowed in the box?

  • storybook, coloring-book
  • toys (board game, cards, builder game, doll, toy car, ball, skipping-rope, other sport-tools, etc.)
  • hygienic equipment (deodorant, shower gel, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, hand-cream), sweets (candy, lollipop, chocolate, biscuit, etc.)
  • stationery and other school supply (booklet, pen, crayon, watercolor, eraser, carver, etc.)
  • postcard or family photo with a short welcoming message, but you don’t have to give your e-mail or post address

What’s not allowed in the box?

  • toys and games which can make the kids aggressive (guns, knives, pc-games, etc.), perishable and canned food, fruits, breakable objects (mirror, porcelain-doll etc.), pills
  • in case of shampoo, body-cream and any other liquid object, you should wrap them carefully and put them in a bag

How to wrap the box?

You should wrap the bottom and the top of the box separately and secure it with a tape or a ribbon. It is necessary because of the safety check of the box. It must appear on the packaging, to whom is it made for (for example: “boy 12 years old” or “girl 10 years old”).

Where will the boxes end up?

The gathered gift boxes will be handled by volunteers of the Baptist Aid. They will hand out them to kids, hospitals, orphanages, nonprofits etc. before Christmas.

Your community manager,

Jenő Nizák