renovation news

Road reconstructions of Carl-Appel-Straße, Hertha-Firnberg-Straße, Clemens-Holzmeister-Straße and Maria-Kuhn-Gasse.


renovation news

Dear myhive community,

please be informed that the following road reconstructions work are soon to come:
Carl Appel street until May 30,2018
Herta Firnberg street until June 8, 2018
Clemens Holzmeister street May 28 until June 13, 2018
Maria Kuhn street June 11 until 13, 2018

During those periods, temporary one way streets and diversions might be implemented. We do our best to limit all inconveniences to the indispensable.

For further inquiries please contact Mr. Manfred Rottensteiner via

Many thanks for your understanding.

Your community manager
Julia Dobbler