
Preventive medical check-ups in cooperation with Health Check

Book your appointment for a preventive medical check-up now!

Dear myhive Community,

We are now offering the option of preventive medical check-ups in cooperation with Health Check.

HEALTH-CHECK.AT is a corporate health company with the aim of focusing on employee health in a holistic and needs-oriented manner and thus promoting a feel-good atmosphere directly at the workplace.

The right corporate health management can have a major influence on whether the team is physically and mentally fit.


The entire process is supported digitally.

You can make two appointments at https://health-check.at/myhive/: One for taking blood samples and one for the medical examination. There is no manual effort for you.

Appointment 1 (week 43 - 45): Samples for blood, urine and stool are taken by a laboratory team on site.

Appointment 2 (week 47 - 48): Lead doctor comes on site, examines & discusses findings with on site.

Where: myhive Twin Tower Lounge - massage room

There are three different offers with different services:

Basic - 0,-€*

Classic - 97,-€

Premium - 197,-€

*FREE for you if your last check-up was at least 12 months ago.

You can find more information about the laboratory packages here!

There are three models to choose from

  1. 100% cost coverage by your company

Here you can choose between the Classic and the Premium package. In this case you pay nothing.

  1. partial assumption of costs by your company

For example, your company covers 80% of the costs and the employee pays the difference. Technically, you can offer this in the form of (limited) vouchers.

  1. you bear the costs of the Classic and Premium packages yourself

Your employees can choose between the free state pension program (basic package) and the option of purchasing a Classic or Premium package themselves via our platform.

If you as a company are interested in covering all or part of the costs, you have the option of passing on vouchers to your employees.

In this case, please contact HEALTH-CHECK.AT directly:

Telephone: + 43 19978084

E-mail address: office@health-check.at

Your myhive Community and Operations Management Team,

Julia Dobbler and Jana Warnecke