Green mobility live at the myhive Pop-Up Store – with Willdienstrad
Dear myhive Community,
For some time now, members of the myhive community have been commuting to the office by bike or e-bike. Now that spring is coming, many more are surely considering getting started with sustainable and healthy mobility. Companies can use Willdienstrad, a proven model for their employees – and get professional tips and advice from the experts of Willdienstrad.
At the myhive Pop-Up Store:
Wednesday, March 23rd and Thursday, March 24th , 2022; both days from 8 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Willdienstrad has brought the model of bicycle leasing for entrepreneurs, which has been successful in Germany for more than 10 years, to Austria and is already successfully servicing medium-sized and large companies in Austria. Around one third savings compared to private purchase and financing incl. fully comprehensive cover over 4 years. The e-bikes and bicycles are configured and delivered by more than 120 partner dealers throughout Austria. Corporate health management can be this cool!
Yours Community Manager,
Jasmina Rotermund