myhive massage

Once again in April we offer a massage service at the myhive Twin Towers.

myhive massage


"Dear myhive Community,

a massage is a great outlet to demanding office work – the perfect recipe for relaxation and new power. Once again in April we offer a massage service at the myhive Twin Towers.

On Mondays April 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th, the following slots are available:

10.20 – 10.50 a.m.
10.55 – 11.25 a.m.
11.30 – 12.00 a.m.
00.05 – 00.35 p.m.
00.40 – 01.10 p.m.
01.15 – 01.45 p.m.
01.50 – 02.20 p.m.
02.25 – 02.55 p.m.
03.00 – 03.30 p.m.
03.35 – 04.05 p.m.

The price of one session is 30 Euro for a 30-minute slot or 55 Euro for a 60-minute slot (combination of two consecutive slots).

The massage takes place at level A34. With Tseng Hsueh Feng, we managed once again to engage a massage therapist with a versatile profile of additional specialist qualifications.

Born in Taiwan, he works as a freelancer in a team of physicians, physical therapists and massage therapists – and on this basis offers comprehensive in-depth knowledge and understanding.

Please find more information about him at

To place a reservation, please use the printed forms at the Welcome Desk.

We wish you a relaxing time within your daily work rush in April.

Your community manager
Julia Jacobs"