myhive Healthy Lifestyle Day

This Wednesday, February 28th, will specially highlight wellness, fitness and health.


Healthy Lifestyle Day

Dear myhive Community,

we want to celebrate our sportive week, and thus Wednesday of that week will specially highlight wellness, fitness and health.

In close cooperation, Hi Edison, Pat’s Brainfood and nutrition expert Dr. Claudia Nichterl will offer a day packed with information, know-how and special insights. All that is located in the relaxing ambience of our myhive Lounge:

8-10 a.m.: You are what you digest!

This is the simple message of Dr. Claudia Nichterl of essenz: ernährung+beratung. The famous nutrition expert and author will explain how “einfach-essen” can also help during a detox cure, using the appropriate food.

In modern life, the human body is more and more exposed to negative environmental factors, contained in air, water and food. What are the consequences and how to cope with them? You want to learn more about this topic? The speech will provide professional explanations but also show opportunities to do more for one’s personal health. Together with a Q&A session, the speech will take place on February 28th, 8-10 a.m. at the myhive Lounge.

Timing of the event:

• 08.00 Reception
• 08.30 Keynote speech by Dr. Claudia Nichterl
• 09.10 Q&A session
• 10.00 End of event

4-8 p.m.: Hi Edison and Pat’s Brainfood

In the afternoon from 4 to 8 p.m., a get together is offered at the myhive Lounge where you can test Hi Edison’s EMS workout. All the participants highly motivated from Dr. Nichterl’s speech in the morning can – besides the workout – also taste the special detox soup creations of Pat’s Brainfood, developed in close cooperation to cleanse the human body.

That’s how you can overcome all inner obstacles in an ideal way. Plus: Taste the experience of cleansing soups. Of course, the trainers of Hi Edison and the team of Pat’s Brainfood are available to answer all your questions there.
A balanced diet and the right individual workout are the main factors of a healthy lifestyle. Enjoy the myhive Healty Lifestyle Day and get yourself new impulses, ideas and advice for your daily life and the perfect summer body shape.

To sign up for these events, simply follow the links below or sign up with just a few clicks through the myhive-offices App:

- Morning event:

- Get-together:

Your community manager
Julia Jacobs