Expert Breakfast in October

Jessica Folkes, partner at Kick OFF Management Consulting GmbH - "Vulnerability & Personality – Me, myself and others"

The Expert Breakfast on October 17th, 2019 in the feel-good atmosphere of the myhive Lounge was dedicated to the exciting topic "Vulnerability & Personality - Me, myself and others".
"Vulnerability is weakness." "I have no vulnerability." "I can go it alone." "Vulnerability is disclosure."
These are typical myths about vulnerability often heard in our society. Jessica Folkes, partner at KICK OFF Management Consulting GmbH, explained in her informative lecture why these are myths and how one can draw strength from a weak point with the help of PCM. PCM (Process Communication Model) connects different personalities with their typical communication styles and clearly demonstrates what the strength of each weak point is.
Please find enclosed the presentation for your further use.