Expert Breakfast in February

Data Security Law 2.0 – GDPR from a legal perspective.

Expert Breakfast

in February

Dear myhive community,

The great resonance to our recent info events showed us how many questions are connected to the new GDPR. So on February 15th, 2018, once more we dedicated our Business Breakfast to the topic Data Security Law 2.0 – GDPR from a legal perspective.

Dr. Andreas Zellhofer and Dr. Helmut Liebel form law firm Eisenberger & Herzog located at the myhive Twin Towers have answered all questions that might arise around GDRP – during an abundant breakfast. The second part met with great interest as well – the event was fully booked, with more than 80 guests. More than 30 companies informed themselves during the speech and in the discussion about implementation, the cartel law, new duties and consistent regulations.

The next expert breakfast will take place in March. Detailed information will be published in our newsletter, in the myhive-offices App as well as on Facebook and the website in time.

Your community manager
Julia Jacobs