Culture Clash - What we can culturally learn from Silicon Valley.
Dear myhive community,
our Expert Breakfast on 11 October was also about culture - only from a different perspective.
Silicon Valley has been THE innovation hotspot worldwide for decades. Therefore, it is not surprising that different cultures and approaches meet there, and exciting developments and innovations emerge.
Niki Ernst presented insights into the topic "Culture Clash - What we can culturally learn from Silicon Valley" and explained, what we can learn from corporate cultures in the innovation hotspot. Of 1000 start-ups per month, 99% fail. Corporate culture has to be understood, identified and analyzed - a cultural mindset is needed.
Conclusion: With corporate cultures in Silicon Valley, the focus is not on failure, but on trial and error.
Fascinating inputs, thought-provoking questions and approaches as well as practical examples were only some of the exciting inputs of this Expert Breakfast.
Your Community Manager
Julia Dobbler