On 22nd of March 2018, our afterwork event with 200 guests took place in our myhive Lounge.
"Dear myhive community,
on Thursday, 22nd March 2018, our 200 Minutes spring party took place in the cozy atmosphere of the myhive Lounge. Aside from comfortable lounge music, candy floss, roasted almonds, chocolate-covered fruits, hot dogs, Schnitzel buns and more were enjoyed by more than 200 guests. Additionally, Radler, Liftler and white wine Spritzers would not be missed at this party.
Beside the well-known entertainment possibilities, an aerial balloon shooting gallery and a can shooting gallery have invited our guests to show their talents. Together with our guests, we celebrated the begin of the warm season with games, networking and more.
Details about our next 200 Minutes will follow soon via Newsletter, App and Facebook.
Your Community Manager
Julia Jacobs"